United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Appalachian Mountain Joint Venture, Atlantic Coast Joint Venture, Atlantic Flyway Council, Avian Knowledge Network, Golden-winged Warbler Working Group, Kirtland's Warbler Conservation Team, Road to Recovery, Saltmarsh Habitat and Avian Research Program, Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy, United States North American Bird Conservation Initiative... further results
Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Business Strategy 2013, Birds of Conservation Concern 2021, Conservation Action Plan For The Cerulean Warbler 2007, Conservation Investment Strategy for the Mid-elevation Forests in Central and South America, Conservation Plan For The American Oystercatcher 2007, Golden-Winged Warbler Non-Breeding Season Plan 2016, Golden-Winged Warbler Status Review And Conservation Plan 2019, Kirtland's Warbler Breeding Range Conservation Plan 2015, Kirtland's Warbler Business Plan 2019, OPJV Grassland Bird Conservation Business Plan... further results
Bird City Americas, North Carolina Birding Trail, Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture Grassland Restoration Incentive Program, SEANET, USFWS Urban Bird Program
Birds of Conservation Concern
Birds of Conservation Concern 2021
The 1988 amendment to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act mandates the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to “identify species, subspecies, and populations of all migratory nongame birds that, without additional conservation actions, are likely to become candidates for listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973.” Birds of Conservation Concern 2008 is the most recent effort to carry out this mandate. Bird species considered for the BCC include:
- nongame birds
- gamebirds without hunting seasons
- subsistence-hunted nongame birds in Alaska
- ESA candidate, proposed, and recently delisted species
The overall goal of the Birds of Conservation Concern is to accurately identify the migratory and non-migratory bird species (beyond those already designated as Federally threatened or endangered) that represent our highest conservation priorities. Bird species considered for inclusion on lists in this report include nongame birds, gamebirds without hunting seasons, subsistence-hunted nongame birds in Alaska; and Endangered Species Act candidate, proposed endangered or threatened, and recently delisted species.