Partners In Flight Landbird Conservation Plan 2016
From NC Bird Conservation
Acadian Flycatcher, Alder Flycatcher, American Crow, American Goldfinch, American Kestrel, American Pipit, American Redstart, American Robin, Bachman's Sparrow, Bachman's Warbler... further results
American Bird Conservancy, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Partners in Flight, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, United States Geological Service, United States North American Bird Conservation Initiative
... more about "Partners In Flight Landbird Conservation Plan 2016"
Cornell Lab of Ornithology +, Bird Studies Canada +, Smithsonian Institute +, Partners in Flight +, United States Fish and Wildlife Service +, Ducks Unlimited +, American Bird Conservancy +, BirdLife International +, United States North American Bird Conservation Initiative +, Carolina Bird Club +, United States Department of Agriculture + and United States Geological Service +
Evening Grosbeak +, Northern Bobwhite +, Ivory-billed Woodpecker +, Red-cockaded Woodpecker +, Golden-winged Warbler +, Saltmarsh Sparrow +, Seaside Sparrow +, Band-tailed Pigeon +, Black-billed Cuckoo +, Eastern Whip-poor-will +, Long-eared Owl +, Olive-sided Flycatcher +, Red-headed Woodpecker +, Rufous Hummingbird +, Snowy Owl +, Canada Warbler +, Cape May Warbler +, Cerulean Warbler +, Chestnut-collared Longspur +, Connecticut Warbler +, Kentucky Warbler +, Prairie Warbler +, Prothonotary Warbler +, Wood Thrush +, Bobolink +, Passenger Pigeon +, Blackpoll Warbler +, Common Nighthawk +, Bank Swallow +, Rusty Blackbird +, Lark Bunting +, Pine Siskin +, Chimney Swift +, Eastern Meadowlark +, Grasshopper Sparrow +, Loggerhead Shrike +, Horned Lark +, Short-eared Owl +, Chuck-will's-widow +, Brewer's Blackbird +, Field Sparrow +, Varied Thrush +, Wilson's Warbler +, Common Grackle +, Least Flycatcher +, American Tree Sparrow +, Bald Eagle +, Osprey +, Peregrine Falcon +, Red-tailed Hawk +, Eastern Bluebird +, European Starling +, American Redstart +, Gray Catbird +, Savannah Sparrow +, Willow Flycatcher +, Yellow-billed Cuckoo +, Henslow's Sparrow +, Black Rail +, Brown Thrasher +, Brown-headed Nuthatch +, Black-headed Grosbeak +, Common Yellowthroat +, Spotted Towhee +, Yellow Warbler +, Yellow-breasted Chat +, Allen's Hummingbird +, Bachman's Sparrow +, Nelson's Sparrow +, Sprague's Pipit +, Green-tailed Towhee +, Dickcissel +, Painted Bunting +, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher +, Swallow-tailed Kite +, Northern Harrier +, Harris's Sparrow +, Sandhill Crane +, Baltimore Oriole +, Lapland Longspur +, Snow Bunting +, American Pipit +, Rough-legged Hawk +, Calliope Hummingbird +, Warbling Vireo +, Bay-breasted Warbler +, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher +, Magnolia Warbler +, Philadelphia Vireo +, White-throated Sparrow +, Palm Warbler +, Ruby-crowned Kinglet +, Barn Swallow +, American Goldfinch +, Song Sparrow +, Tree Swallow +, Cedar Waxwing +, Rose-breasted Grosbeak +, Clay-colored Sparrow +, Vesper Sparrow +, Bicknell's Thrush +, Blackburnian Warbler +, Chestnut-sided Warbler +, Veery +, Broad-winged Hawk +, Black-throated Green Warbler +, Blue-headed Vireo +, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker +, Northern Parula +, Ovenbird +, Black-and-white Warbler +, Alder Flycatcher +, Western Tanager +, Tennessee Warbler +, Orange-crowned Warbler +, Swamp Sparrow +, Yellow-rumped Warbler +, Ruff +, Ruffed Grouse +, Black Vulture +, Turkey Vulture +, Wild Turkey +, Cooper's Hawk +, Mississippi Kite +, Northern Goshawk +, Sharp-shinned Hawk +, Snail Kite +, White-tailed Kite +, Red-shouldered Hawk +, Swainson's Hawk +, Golden Eagle +, Mourning Dove +, White-winged Dove +, Smooth-billed Ani +, Barn Owl +, Eastern Screech-Owl +, Great Horned Owl +, Barred Owl +, Burrowing Owl +, Antillean Nighthawk +, Lesser Nighthawk +, Northern Saw-whet Owl +, Anna's Hummingbird +, Black-chinned Hummingbird +, Ruby-throated Hummingbird +, Broad-billed Hummingbird +, Broad-tailed Hummingbird +, Buff-bellied Hummingbird +, Belted Kingfisher +, Red-bellied Woodpecker +, Downy Woodpecker +, Hairy Woodpecker +, American Kestrel +, Crested Caracara +, Merlin +, Northern Flicker +, Pileated Woodpecker +, Eastern Wood-Pewee +, Acadian Flycatcher +, Gray Flycatcher +, Eastern Phoebe +, Say's Phoebe +, Vermilion Flycatcher +, Ash-throated Flycatcher +, Eastern Kingbird +, Gray Kingbird +, Tropical Kingbird +, Western Kingbird +, Bell's Vireo +, Northern Shrike +, White-eyed Vireo +, Yellow-throated Vireo +, Black-whiskered Vireo +, Red-eyed Vireo +, Blue Jay +, American Crow +, Common Raven +, Fish Crow +, Purple Martin +, Carolina Chickadee +, Cave Swallow +, Cliff Swallow +, Black-capped Chickadee +, Tufted Titmouse +, Red-breasted Nuthatch +, White-breasted Nuthatch +, Brown Creeper +, Bewick's Wren +, Carolina Wren +, House Wren +, Marsh Wren +, Sedge Wren +, Winter Wren +, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher +, Golden-crowned Kinglet +, Gray-cheeked Thrush +, Northern Wheatear +, Townsend's Solitaire +, Swainson's Thrush +, American Robin +, Hermit Thrush +, Sage Thrasher +, Northern Mockingbird +, White Wagtail +, Bachman's Warbler +, Louisiana Waterthrush +, Northern Waterthrush +, Smith's Longspur +, Worm-eating Warbler +, Blue-winged Warbler +, MacGillivray's Warbler +, Nashville Warbler +, Swainson's Warbler +, Mourning Warbler +, Hooded Warbler +, Kirtland's Warbler +, Black-throated Blue Warbler +, Black-throated Gray Warbler +, Pine Warbler +, Townsend's Warbler +, Yellow-throated Warbler +, Cassin's Sparrow +, Eastern Towhee +, Chipping Sparrow +, Lark Sparrow +, Fox Sparrow +, Lincoln's Sparrow +, White-crowned Sparrow +, Dark-eyed Junco +, Golden-crowned Sparrow +, Northern Cardinal +, Scarlet Tanager +, Summer Tanager +, Blue Grosbeak +, Indigo Bunting +, Lazuli Bunting +, Red-winged Blackbird +, Yellow-headed Blackbird +, Boat-tailed Grackle +, Shiny Cowbird +, Brown-headed Cowbird +, Bullock's Oriole +, Hooded Oriole +, Orchard Oriole +, Scott's Oriole +, House Finch +, Purple Finch +, Common Redpoll +, Lesser Goldfinch +, Red Crossbill + and White-winged Crossbill +