Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy
Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy
From their website:
A bold vision: A connected network of lands and waters that supports thriving fish and wildlife populations and improved quality of life for people
An ambitious goal: A 10% or greater improvement in the health, function, and connectivity of Southeastern ecosystems by 2060
A Blueprint for action: A data-driven spatial plan that's helping more than 180 people from over 70 organizations bring in new funding and inform their conservation decisions
Who we are
SECAS is a regional conservation initiative that spans the Southeastern United States and Caribbean. SECAS was started in 2011 by the states of the Southeastern Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies and the federal agencies of the Southeast Natural Resource Leaders Group. SECAS emerged as a response to the unprecedented challenges facing our natural and cultural resources, like urban growth and climate change. We see these challenges as an opportunity to coordinate conservation action and investment around a shared strategy.
What we do
SECAS brings together state and federal agencies, nonprofit organizations, private businesses, tribes, partnerships, and universities around a shared vision of the future. We’re working to design and achieve a connected network of lands and waters to benefit ecosystems, species, and people.
SECAS tracks regional metrics of ecosystem health, function, and connectivity to report annually on progress toward achieving the SECAS 10% goal.
SECAS develops the Southeast Conservation Blueprint, a living, spatial plan that identifies the most important areas for conservation and restoration across the region. It stitches together smaller subregional plans into one unifying map—a spatial action plan for achieving the SECAS vision and goal. More than 180 people from over 70 organizations have used or are using the Blueprint in their work. Visit the SECAS in Action story map to explore in-depth examples of how the Blueprint is making a difference on the ground.