Appalachian Mountain Joint Venture

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The Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture (AMJV) is a regional partnership of over 55 state and federal agencies, conservation organizations, and universities. Guided by our Mission And Vision, we are committed to the conservation of habitat for the benefit of birds, wildlife, and people in the core of the Appalachian Region.

Our partnership stretches from the southwestern Appalachians in Alabama to the northeastern highlands in southern New York. This area encompasses 103 million acres across portions of Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and all of West Virginia and contains some of the largest expanses of forest remaining in the eastern United States.

The Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture is located on the campus of Virginia Tech within the Conservation Management Institute


Our mission is to restore and sustain viable populations of native birds and their habitats in the Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture region through effective, collaborative partnerships.


Partners working together for conservation of native bird species in the Appalachian Mountains region to attain:

  • Fully-functioning ecosystems with sustainable populations of the region’s native avifauna, guided by state, regional, national, and international bird plans
  • Effective delivery of habitat conservation through adaptive management and guided by a conservation approach consisting of biological planning, conservation design, delivery of conservation actions, evaluation, and research
  • Success in capitalizing on funding opportunities relevant to partnership priorities
  • An engaged Management Board, representative of the diverse landscape and effective partnerships in the Appalachian Mountains

Download 2019 AMJV Year In Review