OPJV Grassland Bird Conservation Business Plan
From NC Bird Conservation
Conservation Outcomes: A concrete description of expected outcomes to which the OPJV and partners will hold ourselves accountable.
Implementation Plan with Strategic Priorities and Performance Measures: A description of the specific strategies needed to achieve our conservation outcomes and quantifiable benchmarks by which we will measure success and to make it possible to adaptively manage in the face of unexpected or unintended outcomes.
Funding and Resource Needs: An analysis of the financial, human, and organizational resources needed to carry out these strategies.
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Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture +, Texas Parks and Wildlife +, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation +, National Wild Turkey Federation +, American Bird Conservancy +, UNT Quail +, George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center +, Native Prairies Association of Texas +, United States Fish and Wildlife Service +, Texas Wildlife Association +, Nobel Research Institute +, The Dorothy Marcille Wood Foundation +, Quail Coalition +, The Nature Conservancy +, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Science + and Audubon Society +