South Atlantic Migratory Bird Initiative Implementation Plan 2008
Acadian Flycatcher, American Avocet, American Bittern, American Black Duck, American Coot, American Kestrel, American Oystercatcher, American Wigeon, American Woodcock, Bachman's Sparrow... further results
American Bird Conservancy, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Atlantic Coast Joint Venture, Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Partners in Flight, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, United States Geological Service, United States North American Bird Conservation Initiative
Executive Summary
The South Atlantic Migratory Bird Initiative (SAMBI) is a vision and process of integrated bird conservation planning and implementation of the Management Board of the Atlantic Coast Joint Venture (ACJV). This vision and process began in 1999 when the North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI) was emerging as a framework for integrated bird conservation planning in North America. SAMBI is a partnership of traditional joint venture partners (federal, state, non-governmental, and private) and new partners that are dedicated to delivering conservation of “all birds across all habitats” in the south Atlantic coastal plain of the United States. This effort was the first effort of its kind under the framework of NABCI by a joint venture, and this plan was approved by the Management Board of the ACJV in July 2005.
This Plan provides a regional scale framework for the conservation of waterfowl, shorebirds, waterbirds, landbirds, and upland game birds. This framework utilizes existing national and regional plans of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, United States Shorebird Conservation Plan, Partners In Flight, Waterbird Conservation of the Americas, and the Northern Bobwhite Conservation Initiative, to build a framework for regional bird conservation. This framework seeks to integrate common goals and objectives of these national and regional plans, providing conservationists a strategy for meeting the challenge of sustaining healthy ecosystems and healthy bird populations in the midst of increasing threats along the Atlantic Coast.
The South Atlantic coastline and coastal plain is under extreme threat of commercial, industrial, and residential development. However, there is opportunity to conserve much of the habitat that remains. This plan identifies priority species, priority habitats, priority areas, and strategies to achieve the conservation of “all birds across all habitats” in this region. This Plan is a result of the collaboration of federal, state, non-governmental, and private interests to build a cohesive strategy for bird conservation in the southeastern United States. Pelagic bird conservation is addressed, and international opportunities for bird conservation are also explored. SAMBI provides a regional framework for the conservation of birds and bird habitats that has implications at multiple scales: local, state, regional, pelagic, international, and hemispheric.