Medium River Systems

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The 2015 North Carolina Wildlife Action Plan defines 41 priority habitats for the state. More information about this habitat can be found in Section 4.2.9.

Habitat Priorities


  • Direct initial efforts toward surveys to determine the current baseline distribution and status of species mainly associated with mesic forests (especially those that are state-listed or believed to be declining) for which that information is lacking. (Surveys Priority)
  • Focus secondary efforts on conducting surveys to understand current status, from which we can measure future population changes over time. (Surveys Priority)


  • Enhance current monitoring systems and protocols (e.g., MAPS and BBS) to better cover certain species not well covered by current monitoring efforts.
  • Establish long-term monitoring for small mammals and bats following initial surveys.
  • Conduct general long-term herpetofauna monitoring to track the effects of the loss of old growth characteristics in this habitattype.


  • Collect demographic information on all bat species; investigate specific habitatneeds and conduct life history studies.

Management Practices

  • Maintain connections between habitatblocks, not only to allow adjustments in range in response to climate change, but to maintain population resilience and adaptability more generally.
  • Create transportation facilities that utilize longer bridges at streams and wetlands to minimize impacts (and thereby reduce mitigation requirements) and provide crossing options for wildlife that often travel riparian corridors and disperse to upland communities.
  • For protected and unprotected sites, control the exotic plants that are present or may potentially invade.

Conservation Programs and Partnerships