NCWAP 2015 Conservation Programs And Partnerships Priority 394

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Conservation Programs And Partnerships Priority

Ensure that conservation actions include land acquisition, easements, and protection to promote remaining large, unfragmented tracts as well as management to maintain and reestablish mesic forest. This is a relatively rare forest type and great effort should be made to protect mesic forests and their species assemblages. Conservation of larger natural areas that include adjacent communities will lead to greater viability for all communities present.

Associated Habitats

Associated Species

4.2.9 +  and 4.4.9 +
Conservation Programs And Partnerships Priority +
Ensure that conservation actions include lEnsure that conservation actions include land acquisition, easements, and protection to promote remaining large, unfragmented tracts as well as management to maintain and reestablish mesic forest. This is a relatively rare forest type and great effort should be made to protect mesic forests and their species assemblages. Conservation of larger natural areas that include adjacent communities will lead to greater viability for all communities present.ter viability for all communities present. +