Yellow-billed Cuckoo

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North Carolina Information



Conservation Status

2015 NC WAP Listing Status Partners in Flight
Evaluated SGCN Knowledge Management Federal NC Half Life NC Pop Global Pop
true 29 N/A 8,358,126


Cuculiformes > Cuculidae > Coccyzus >

Coccyzus americanus

Other Identifiers

AOS 4-letter Code:YBCU

AOS 6-letter Code:COCAME

Avibase Code:0CF12F8155708DC8

Federal Register

Recent 10 listings in the Federal Register. See here for full listing.

Date Type Title

2024-11-15 Notice Notice of Availability for a Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Floodplain Assessment and Statement of Findings for the Kenneth G. Ward (Lynden) and Sumas Land Ports of Entry (LPOE) Modernization and Expansion Projects in Lynden and Sumas, Washington
2024-11-14 Notice Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Initiation of 5-Year Status Reviews of 38 Species in the Southwest
2024-05-10 Presidential Document Boundary Enlargement of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument
2024-04-09 Notice Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed North Bullfrog Mine Project, Nye County, Nevada
2023-08-15 Presidential Document Establishment of the Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument
2023-08-04 Notice Salt River Project Roosevelt Habitat Conservation Plan Amendment and Draft Environmental Assessment; Maricopa and Gila Counties, Arizona
2023-07-31 Rule General Provisions; Revised List of Migratory Birds
2023-05-26 Notice Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Low-Effect Habitat Conservation Plan for the Sweetwater Authority Habitat Management Program and Habitat Recovery Project, County of San Diego, CA
2023-04-27 Notice Endangered and Threatened Species; Receipt of Recovery Permit Applications
2022-12-12 Proposed Rule General Provisions; Revised List of Migratory Birds

Links to Other Sources