Small River Systems/Large Creeks
From NC Bird Conservation
The 2015 North Carolina Wildlife Action Plan defines 41 priority habitats for the state. More information about this habitat can be found in Section 4.2.8.
Habitat Priorities
- Determine the distribution and abundance of aquatic species, especially the Gulf Coast Spiny Softshell, Striped Mud Turtle, and Eastern Mudsnake. (Surveys Priority)
- Gather better information about the status and distribution of common species associated with riverine habitats (e.g., Three-lined Salamander, Common Ribbonsnake). (Surveys Priority)
- Expand research, survey, and monitoring efforts beyond collecting presence–absence data, to look at long-term trends across species groups, habitats, and the effects of management actions. (Surveys Priority)
- Conduct studies to document the levels of EDCs in wastewater discharges and identify measures that will reduce or eliminate EDCs from wastewater prior to discharge.
- Determine the impacts of “snagging” (removing woody debris after storms) on wildlife populations.
- Conduct research to investigate Nutria population densities, population growth rates, dispersal range, and extent of property damage from burrowing and herbivory.
- Determine the effect Beaver ponds have on downstream movement of pollutants (toxins and sediments).
Management Practices
- Seek opportunities to restore canebreak communities through controlled burning or other management strategies.
- Maintain large trees around reservoirs for potential eagle nests, and maintain forest cover in the tailrace below dams for eagle foraging.
- Participate in mutual planning with adjacent states for regional species concerns, because some priority species are likely to expand their range due to climate change impacts.
- Plant riparian areas with vegetation with a broad elevational range within a particular watershed. Also plant vegetation with broad hydrologic tolerance to promote resilience from climate change.
Conservation Programs and Partnerships
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4.2.8 +
NCWAP 2015 Management Practices Priority 519 +, NCWAP 2015 Management Practices Priority 520 +, NCWAP 2015 Management Practices Priority 521 +, NCWAP 2015 Management Practices Priority 522 +, NCWAP 2015 Research Priority 515 +, NCWAP 2015 Research Priority 516 +, NCWAP 2015 Research Priority 517 +, NCWAP 2015 Research Priority 518 +, NCWAP 2015 Surveys Priority 512 +, NCWAP 2015 Surveys Priority 513 + and NCWAP 2015 Surveys Priority 514 +
Acadian Flycatcher +, American Black Duck +, Anhinga +, Bald Eagle +, Bank Swallow +, Canada Goose +, Cattle Egret +, Eastern Kingbird +, Gadwall +, Great Blue Heron +, Great Egret +, Green Heron +, Green-winged Teal +, Hooded Merganser +, Kentucky Warbler +, Louisiana Waterthrush +, Pied-billed Grebe +, Ring-necked Duck +, Spotted Sandpiper +, Wilson's Snipe + and Wood Duck +