Yellow-rumped Warbler
From NC Bird Conservation
Dry Coniferous Woodlands, Dry Longleaf Pine Communities, Estuarine Wetland Communities, Floodplains-Blackwater Systems, Floodplains-Brownwater Systems, Floodplains-Inland Systems, Maritime Forests, Mesic Forests, Nonalluvial Mineral Wetlands, Oak and Mixed Hardwood/Pine Forests and Managed Timber... further results
North Carolina Information
Conservation Status
2015 NC WAP | Listing Status | Partners in Flight | ||||||
Evaluated | SGCN | Knowledge | Management | Federal | NC | Half Life | NC Pop | Global Pop |
true | true | N/A | 173,685,250 |
Passeriformes > Parulidae > Setophaga >
Setophaga coronata
Other Identifiers
AOS 4-letter Code:YRWA
AOS 6-letter Code:SETCOR
Avibase Code:BC5A949807108302
Federal Register
Recent 10 listings in the Federal Register. See here for full listing.
Date | Type | Title
2023-07-31 | Rule | General Provisions; Revised List of Migratory Birds |
2022-12-12 | Proposed Rule | General Provisions; Revised List of Migratory Birds |
2020-04-16 | Rule | General Provisions; Revised List of Migratory Birds |
2018-11-28 | Proposed Rule | General Provisions; Revised List of Migratory Birds |
2013-11-01 | Rule | General Provisions; Revised List of Migratory Birds |
2011-04-26 | Proposed Rule | General Provisions; Revised List of Migratory Birds |
2010-03-01 | Rule | General Provisions; Revised List of Migratory Birds |
2006-08-24 | Proposed Rule | General Provisions; Revised List of Migratory Birds |
2001-10-12 | Proposed Rule | General Provisions; Revised List of Migratory Birds |
2001-07-25 | Proposed Rule | Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Finding for a Petition To List the Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) in the Western Continental United States |
Links to Other Sources
... more about "Yellow-rumped Warbler"
1999 +
1550 +
BC5A949807108302 +
Dry Coniferous Woodlands +, Dry Longleaf Pine Communities +, Estuarine Wetland Communities +, Floodplains-Blackwater Systems +, Floodplains-Brownwater Systems +, Floodplains-Inland Systems +, Maritime Forests +, Mesic Forests +, Nonalluvial Mineral Wetlands +, Pocosins +, Sparsely Settled Mixed Habitats +, Spruce-Fir Forest +, Successional Communities +, Upland Pools and Depressions +, Wet Pine Savannas + and Oak and Mixed Hardwood/Pine Forests and Managed Timber +
173,685,250 +
Setophaga coronata +
coronata +
ncwap15-spp-yellow-rumped-warbler +
yerwar +
true +
true +
true +