Headwater Streams/Small Creeks

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The 2015 North Carolina Wildlife Action Plan defines 41 priority habitats for the state. More information about this habitat can be found in Section 4.2.7.

Habitat Priorities


  • Initiate distribution surveys for all amphibian species associated with headwater communities, but especially the Mole Salamander, Eastern Tiger Salamander, Dwarf Salamander, and Four-toed Salamander. (Surveys Priority)
  • Gather better information about the status and distribution of more common species associated with Piedmont headwater and associated wetland habitats (e.g., Three-lined Salamander, Common Ribbonsnake). (Surveys Priority)


  • Determine population trends and persistence of small wetland breeding amphibian populations, particularly the Mole Salamander, Eastern Tiger Salamander, Dwarf Salamander, and Four-toed Salamander.


  • Study the efficacy and practicality of “toad tunnels” and other wildlife crossings that allow passage under roadways and help maintain connectivity between headwater community (including associated wetlands) metapopulations.
  • Determine minimum upland buffers required to sustain at-risk amphibian populations.

Management Practices

  • Use stormwater management techniques that strive to restore or maintain the pre-development hydrograph.

Conservation Programs and Partnerships