Headwater Streams/Small Creeks
From NC Bird Conservation
The 2015 North Carolina Wildlife Action Plan defines 41 priority habitats for the state. More information about this habitat can be found in Section 4.2.7.
Habitat Priorities
- Initiate distribution surveys for all amphibian species associated with headwater communities, but especially the Mole Salamander, Eastern Tiger Salamander, Dwarf Salamander, and Four-toed Salamander. (Surveys Priority)
- Gather better information about the status and distribution of more common species associated with Piedmont headwater and associated wetland habitats (e.g., Three-lined Salamander, Common Ribbonsnake). (Surveys Priority)
- Determine population trends and persistence of small wetland breeding amphibian populations, particularly the Mole Salamander, Eastern Tiger Salamander, Dwarf Salamander, and Four-toed Salamander.
- Study the efficacy and practicality of “toad tunnels” and other wildlife crossings that allow passage under roadways and help maintain connectivity between headwater community (including associated wetlands) metapopulations.
- Determine minimum upland buffers required to sustain at-risk amphibian populations.
Management Practices
- Use stormwater management techniques that strive to restore or maintain the pre-development hydrograph.
Conservation Programs and Partnerships
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