Coldwater Streams
From NC Bird Conservation
The 2015 North Carolina Wildlife Action Plan defines 41 priority habitats for the state. More information about this habitat can be found in Section 4.2.3.
Habitat Priorities
- Conduct baseline surveys to determine current distributions for the several SGCN associated with stream habitats in western North Carolina that are known in only a few localities, and/or are considered rare or declining (e.g., Water Shrew, Hellbender, Junaluska and Longtail Salamanders, Mudpuppy, Eastern Spiny Softshell, and Loggerhead Musk Turtles). (Surveys Priority)
- Gather better information about the status and distribution of more common species associated with stream habitats (e.g., Shovel-nosed and Three-linedSalamanders). (Surveys Priority)
- Investigate population status of native Brook Trout. (Surveys Priority)
- Examine stream temperature and associated microclimatic responses to a range of shading variables from riparian vegetation.
- Determine specific flow regimes necessary to support microhabitat for particular species (e.g., Junaluska Salamander).
- Determine the effect that Beaver ponds have on downstream movement of toxins and sediment.
- Gather better information regarding the inputs and influence of groundwater sources to accurately predict the influence of climate change on coldwater systems.
- Conduct genetic research to resolve taxonomic issues for aquatic species, such as the Acuminate Crayfish' complex (Cambarus sp. C) and a Lake Waccamaw Lampsilis mussel complex.
- Study the combined effect of land use changes and climatic effects on long-term stream temperature trends as they relate to native brook trout protection, restoration, and management.
- Investigate thermal tolerance for brook trout and other native species.
Management Practices
- Increasethe effective connectivity (i.e., gene flow) between headwater brook trout populations through removal of artificial barriers and promote habitatconnectivity.
Conservation Programs and Partnerships
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4.2.3 +
NCWAP 2015 Conservation Programs And Partnerships Priority 88 +, NCWAP 2015 Management Practices Priority 87 +, NCWAP 2015 Research Priority 28 +, NCWAP 2015 Research Priority 80 +, NCWAP 2015 Research Priority 81 +, NCWAP 2015 Research Priority 82 +, NCWAP 2015 Research Priority 83 +, NCWAP 2015 Research Priority 84 +, NCWAP 2015 Research Priority 85 +, NCWAP 2015 Surveys Priority 77 +, NCWAP 2015 Surveys Priority 78 + and NCWAP 2015 Surveys Priority 79 +