NCWAP 2015 Surveys Priority 77
From NC Bird Conservation
Surveys Priority
Conduct baseline surveys to determine current distributions for the several SGCN associated with stream habitats in western North Carolina that are known in only a few localities, and/or are considered rare or declining (e.g., Water Shrew, Hellbender, Junaluska and Longtail Salamanders, Mudpuppy, Eastern Spiny Softshell, and Loggerhead Musk Turtles).
Associated Habitats
Associated Species
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4.2.3 +
Surveys Priority +
Conduct baseline surveys to determine curr … Conduct baseline surveys to determine current distributions for the several SGCN associated with stream habitats in western North Carolina that are known in only a few localities, and/or are considered rare or declining (e.g., Water Shrew, Hellbender, Junaluska and Longtail Salamanders, Mudpuppy, Eastern Spiny Softshell, and Loggerhead Musk Turtles).y Softshell, and Loggerhead Musk Turtles). +