Bird Conservation Region 28

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Appalachian Mountains

from the US NABCI website:

Included in this area are the Blue Ridge, the Ridge and Valley Region, the Cumberland Plateau, the Ohio Hills, and the Allegheny Plateau. The rugged terrain is generally dominated by oak-hickory and other deciduous forest types at lower elevations and by various combinations of pine, hemlock, spruce, and fir in higher areas. While flatter portions are in agricultural use, the majority of most segments of this region are forested. Priority forest birds include Cerulean Warbler at low elevations and Black-throated Blue Warbler at high elevations. Golden-winged Warblers are in early successional areas, and Henslow's Sparrows are in grasslands. While not as important for waterfowl as coastal regions, the Appalachian region contains the headwaters of several major eastern river systems that are used by various waterfowl species during migration. In addition, large wetland complexes, such as Canaan Valley in West Virginia, and isolated beaver-created wetlands provide habitat for Wood Duck breeding.