Natural Lakes
From NC Bird Conservation
The 2015 North Carolina Wildlife Action Plan defines 41 priority habitats for the state. More information about this habitat can be found in Section 4.2.12.
Habitat Priorities
Management Practices
Conservation Programs and Partnerships
... more about "Natural Lakes"
4.2.12 +
American Avocet +, American Black Duck +, Anhinga +, Bald Eagle +, Bank Swallow +, Blue-winged Teal +, Bufflehead +, Canada Goose +, Canvasback +, Cattle Egret +, Common Gallinule +, Common Loon +, Common Merganser +, Double-crested Cormorant +, Forster's Tern +, Gadwall +, Great Black-backed Gull +, Great Blue Heron +, Great Egret +, Greater Scaup +, Greater Yellowlegs +, Green Heron +, Green-winged Teal +, Herring Gull +, Hooded Merganser +, Least Bittern +, Lesser Scaup +, Lesser Yellowlegs +, Little Blue Heron +, Long-billed Dowitcher +, Marsh Wren +, Northern Pintail +, Northern Shoveler +, Pied-billed Grebe +, Purple Martin +, Red-breasted Merganser +, Red-headed Woodpecker +, Ring-necked Duck +, Ruddy Duck +, Ruddy Turnstone +, Semipalmated Plover +, Snow Goose +, Snowy Egret +, Spotted Sandpiper +, Tree Swallow +, Tundra Swan +, White Ibis +, White-Winged Scoter +, Wilson's Snipe +, Wood Duck +, Wood Stork +, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron + and Yellow-throated Warbler +