NCWAP 2015 Monitoring Priority 507
From NC Bird Conservation
Monitoring Priority
Conduct ecological monitoring before, during, and after construction of shoreline hardening structures and beach renourishment projects to best understand the extent to which the beach ecosystem changes. Monitoring should also continue well after project completion to understand long-term effects of this anthropogenic disturbance, as well as cumulative effects of multiple nourishment projects. Scientists should use a scientifically and statistically robust monitoring design that looks at multiple indicators of beach ecosystem health. Analysis of data should include a test of statistical power (Peterson and Manning 2001).
Associated Habitats
Associated Species
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4.4.16 +
Monitoring Priority +
Conduct ecological monitoring before, duri … Conduct ecological monitoring before, during, and after construction of shoreline hardening structures and beach renourishment projects to best understand the extent to which the beach ecosystem changes. Monitoring should also continue well after project completion to understand long-term effects of this anthropogenic disturbance, as well as cumulative effects of multiple nourishment projects. Scientists should use a scientifically and statistically robust monitoring design that looks at multiple indicators of beach ecosystem health. Analysis of data should include a test of statistical power (Peterson and Manning 2001).istical power (Peterson and Manning 2001). +