NCWAP 2015 Monitoring Priority 121
From NC Bird Conservation
Monitoring Priority
Develop monitoring for any North Carolina dry Longleaf Pine bird species that require specialized attention, since neither BBS nor standard point counts adequately sample for many species like Bachman's Sparrow, Nightjars, American Kestrel, Henslow's Sparrow, and Red-headed Woodpecker.
Associated Habitats
Associated Species
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4.4.13 +
Monitoring Priority +
Develop monitoring for any North Carolina … Develop monitoring for any North Carolina dry Longleaf Pine bird species that require specialized attention, since neither BBS nor standard point counts adequately sample for many species like Bachman's Sparrow, Nightjars, American Kestrel, Henslow's Sparrow, and Red-headed Woodpecker.Red-headed Woodpecker. +