NCWAP 2015 Management Practices Priority 46
From NC Bird Conservation
Management Practices Priority
Reduce impervious surfaces as one measure to control runoff and erosion. Research has shown that impervious levels of 8%–12% represent a threshold where small changes in urganization can cause major changes in stream condition (Wang et al. 2001). There are also many BMPs that may be alternatives to reduce runoff. Encourage use of pervious paving materials where feasible.
Associated Habitats
Associated Species
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4.2.2 +
Management Practices Priority +
Reduce impervious surfaces as one measure … Reduce impervious surfaces as one measure to control runoff and erosion. Research has shown that impervious levels of 8%–12% represent a threshold where small changes in urganization can cause major changes in stream condition (Wang et al. 2001). There are also many BMPs that may be alternatives to reduce runoff. Encourage use of pervious paving materials where feasible. pervious paving materials where feasible. +