NCWAP 2015 Management Practices Priority 44
From NC Bird Conservation
Management Practices Priority
Implement and support use of agriculture and forestry Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control stormwater runoff. Structures such as bioretention cells (i.e., rain gardens), cisterns, permeable pavement, runnels, vegetated swales, and filter strips can be used in various ways as stormwater BMPs.
Associated Habitats
Associated Species
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4.2.2 +
Management Practices Priority +
Implement and support use of agriculture a … Implement and support use of agriculture and forestry Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control stormwater runoff. Structures such as bioretention cells (i.e., rain gardens), cisterns, permeable pavement, runnels, vegetated swales, and filter strips can be used in various ways as stormwater BMPs.e used in various ways as stormwater BMPs. +